Spotlight on our TNP stars! Project Manager Adam Critchley

Published on 06 Jan 2021

Topics: News, Spotlights

Project Manager Adam, Iron Man competitor and poetry writer, gives us the lowdown on working at TNP and his favourite part about Business Central 

Adam is one of our Project Managers, and he’s been with TNP since 2016.

He’s no new ship on the water though and has been in Project Management and Consultancy for the past 18 years!

What’s your favourite thing about TNP?

  • The people! They are like a family. I miss being able to pop into the Manchester office – I always left with a warm fuzzy feeling. It really is like being able to work and see your family every day! I used to get down to the Newbury office one or twice a month too, so I felt like part of that wider team.

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(From left to right: Gary, Adam and Aidan enjoying burgers at our yearly staff day celebration)

What’s your favourite thing about Business Central?

  • I like its flexibility; it can be tailored to anything. There’s an old saying: “the answer is yes, now what’s the question?” and that rings so true with Dynamics NAV and Business Central. Our customers, particularly new ones, are like kids in a sweetshop sometimes. We have to remind them that an easy life follows the standard pathways, but every business is different and it’s enjoyable creating those niches for different businesses.

What hobbies do you have?

  • I like sports and writing poetry. I do triathlons – swimming, running, biking – and have completed some of the big ones like Iron Man. When I’m not doing that, I like to switch off and get my thoughts down on paper.

What would you say is your proudest moment?

      • I think it is good to achieve any goals you set yourself whether it be personal or professional. If I could pick a proudest personal moment it would be bringing two amazing daughters into the world and watch them grow into young adults.

Give us a fun fact!

  • I am ALWAYS asked by our Managing Director, Ian, to sing Wonderwall in front of everyone. I have no idea why! I’ve done it at our staff day, and even our User Day. How random!*


Adam’s just one of over 200 invaluable members of staff we have here at TNP. There are so many reasons why people love working here, and why we love them working here. We believe in nurturing our staff and helping them grow and explore new opportunities. This happens in a number of ways, including through time spent on a full induction, training and progression opportunities.


*We think it's because he's from Manchester!

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